The amount of Fatigue you have is displayed in red on the AP bar (just like Radiation impacts your health). The more Fatigue you’ve built up, the less Action Points (AP) you’ll have for other actions, like V.A.T.S. For example, sleeping bags will help you save the game, but won’t provide all the benefits of a full night’s rest – and sleep is important. The kind of bed you sleep in determines how long you can stay asleep. Oh, and not all beds are created equally. If you want to save the game, you’ll have to find or build a bed, then sleep for at least an hour. Since Survival Mode is a big kick in the teeth, you’ll find that both manual and quicksaving are disabled. What does Survival Mode entail, you ask? Some big changes. This means we could only be a few weeks away from the new Survival Mode on consoles. Traditionally, Bethesda releases a beta update on Steam first, then pushes it to Xbox One and Playstation 4 users a couple weeks later. The developer posted on Twitter earlier this week that they continue to make progress. Fallout 4′s revamped Survival Mode is one step closer to an official release, according to Bethesda.