Unless you want to throw dynamite and knives as a build, stay away from Loose Cannon. Fallout: New Vegas is the follow-up to Bethesda's critically acclaimed Fallout 3. Melee and unarmed do 60% less critical hit damage.
When you aren't, you suffer a -1 Perception reduction. Attack speed with thrown weapons increased by 30%.
10 action points can easily be earned through Agility, something another trait offers.
Others - typically fans of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas - lament the lack of traits, cool modifiers that would change your characters statistics in meaningful ways in previous Fallout games. This is such a massive negative that it ruins all but the shortest of playthroughs. As found within the game files, a medical history paper was to be filled in by the player from a texture of the actual paper rather than a conventional menu. + 15% damage increase while below 50% health.